Comic Con has come around again, due to working a night shift, my time to be creative and arty has dwindled significantly, as well as my will to do anything other than sleep and eat... Damn night shifts ruin your life!
However, since it is May, that means London Comic Con is just round the corner! Seeing as I fell ill pretty much on the day of Comic Con in October, I didn't actually get to enjoy the day what so ever as I had lost my voice and only had 2 hours sleep..
This time though! I am better prepared! I'm going as the Little Sister from Bioshock again seeing as I didn't get much use out of the outfit last time; however, this time I will have the Adam Syringe as well! :D I have spent the last few weekends preparing and painting it, and it's finally in the last stages, just waiting for things to dry before finishing it all off!
So, here are the few images I have of the Adam Syringe so far!
It's not amazing like some of the other ones I've seen on the Internet, but, considering I have no power tools or any form of skill when it comes to making things, I've done the best I can with what I have.
In the second image, I've done a lot of the weather of the paint work and bloody-ing it up a bit. Weathering metal is really simple, I just used a simple black wash over the Bronze spray paint that I'd done the week before. (A black wash is black paint, watered down. Simply brush it onto something and then wipe it off again with tissue. Simple and effective)
Due to this being a Comic Con prop, I've had to make a few changes to how it was made compared to other tutorials I've seen. The actual needle part, is made from Balsa Wood instead of a metal dowel rod, because I'm sure I wouldn't be allowed into a convention with a potential deadly weapon like a sharpened metal pole...
I'm also in two minds about whether or not to put any actual liquid in the jar because this will make the entire prop more weighty.
The actual main section of the Adam Syringe I bought off of eBay. The metal frame is just an old gas/petrol pump. Finding one wasn't easy as I'm in the UK and most the sellers are in America, but, after a few months of searching I managed to find one for about £30 with only £15 postage, which, compared to the others, was A LOT cheaper.. So, be prepared if to spend a bit of money if you want to build this outside of the States..
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